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Text File  |  1985-07-06  |  24KB  |  58 lines

  1. commentary,COMDEX,show,faire,DBM,LAN,network,modem               W. Fastie                                    DIRECTIONS - "Adventures in COMDEXland"                          PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1           5Commentary on the products at COMDEX '84, a computer trade show, especially the data management systems (DBM), local area networks(LAN's), and modems.                                             
  2. help,Q&A,PC-VT,free,VT100,emulation,BASLDR,DOS 2.0,EXEC                                                       LETTERS                                                          PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          131)Free VT100 emulation program, 2)Problems with BASLDR program   (using DOS 2.0 EXEC function) (PC Tech,Oct.84),....continued to                                                                   
  3. tutorial,review,Minnesota SNOBOL4+,Berstis,Catspaw,insert        R. Larson                                    "SNOBOL4"                                                        PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          32SNOBOL4 tutorial and review of two compilers: Minnesota SNOBOL4  (Berstis Int'l) and SNOBOL4+ (Catspaw, Inc.). [Insert entitled   "SNOBOL4 for Humanities, Scientific, and Business Programmers"]. 
  4. tutorial,date,time,DOS,packed format                             P. Finan                                     "PACKing the Date and Time"                                      PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          46A technique using DOS to convert the date and time stamp on data records to a "packed" format (listings for DATEDEMO and TIMEDEMO)                                                                 
  5. review,Maverick SMD PC-80,hard disk,controller,Interphase        J. Anderson                                  "The Maverick Controller"                                        PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          58Review of the Maverick SMD PC-80 Hard-disk Controller (InterphaseCorporation).                                                                                                                     
  6. tutorial,DBM,dBASE III,difference,conversion,Ashton-Tate         C. Christian                                 "Take III"                                                       PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          64Discussion of the differences between dBASE II and dBASE III     (both by Ashton-Tate).  Tutorial on converting dBASE II applica- tions to dBASE III.                                              
  7. advice,debugger,consumer,purchase                                S. Armbrust and T. Forgeron                  "Entymological Explorations"                                     PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          88Advice on choosing a debugger, including tables of features of   nineteen debuggers on the market.                                                                                                 
  8. tutorial,Kermit,FTP,file-transfer,protocol,standard,communicationA. Hansen                                    "Kermit"                                                         PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         110Tutorial on the features and use of Kermit, a file-transfer      protocol (FTP).                                                                                                                   
  9. review,Telios,Genasys,communication,Kermit,file-transfer,protocolA. Hansen                                    "Telios"                                                         PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         130Review of Telios, Version 2.0 (Genasys Corporation), a communica-tions package that incorporates the Kermit file-transfer         protocol.                                                        
  10. translated software,CP/M,PC-DOS,cross-compile                    J. Creane                                    "The Limited Joys of Translated Software"                        PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         142Discussion of the problems with translating software from CP/M   to PC-DOS.                                                                                                                        
  11. tutorial,documentation,manual,author,writer,insert               M. A. Covington                              "Documentation That Works"                                       PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         165Tutorial on writing good documentation for programs. [Inserts    entitled "Writing Improved While You Watch" and "Dealing with    Printers and Typesetters".]                                      
  12. tutorial,writer,author,insert,grammar,sentence,terse             M. A. Covington                              "Writing Improved While You Watch"                               PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         175Insert in "Documentation that Works" by the author, this article gives tips to improve sentence writing.                                                                                           
  13. advice,documentation,manual,insert,typeset,printshop,typography  M. A. Covington                              "Dealing With Printers and Typesetters"                          PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         175Insert in "Documentation that Works" by the author, this article gives advice on selecting typesetters and printshops to arrange  printing of software documentation.                              
  14. tutorial,audio,debugging,FM,radio                                J. Duntemann"                                TECH NOTEBOOK 29 - "Audio Debugging"                             PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         177Tutorial on audio debugging, a procedure to monitor the tasks    of an IBM PC with an FM radio.                                                                                                    
  15. commentary,employee,competition,trade-secret,legal,law           M. S. Oppenheimer                            LEGAL BRIEF - "Protecting the Corporate Flank"                   PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         179Commentary on the problem that corporations have with current em-ployees who may decide in the future to work for other companies.                                                                 
  16. tutorial,DBM,B-tree,B+tree,random,storage,retrieve,BTREE,search  A. Chaturvedi                                "Tree Structures                                                 PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          78Tutorial on random data storage and retrieval using B-tree and   B+tree data structures (first of two articles).                                                                                   
  17. review,Turbo Pascal,compiler,Borland                                                                          PRODUCT OF THE MONTH - "Turbo Pascal"                            PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         187Review of Turbo Pascal (Borland International), a Pascal compiler                                                                                                                                  
  18. book,review,8087,programming,applications                        J. Duntemann                                 BOOK REVIEWS                                                     PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1         189Review of: 1)J. F. Palmer and S. P. Morse, THE 8087 PRIMER       (Wiley Press, 1983), 2)R. Startz, 8087: APPLICATIONS AND PROGRAM-MING FOR THE IBM PC AND OTHER PC'S (Brady Co., 1983).            
  19. commentary,IBM,compatible,future,author,writer,articles          W. Fastie                                    DIRECTIONS - "The Compatibility Trap"                            PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2           9Commentary on the problem of compatibility of future IBM         microcomputers with current models. Also, information for        prospective authors on writing for PC Tech Journal.              
  20. help,Q&A,MS-Pascal,8087,coprocessor,C language,keyboard,Dvorak,MB                                             LETTERS                                                          PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          141)Explanation about interface between MS-Pascal and 8087, 2)Port-ability of C language, 3)Tips for changing keyboard to Dvorak    layout, 4)MByte/KByte discussion,...continued to next record.    
  21. review,IBM,game,education,business,utility,Personally Developed                                               PRODUCT OF THE MONTH - "Personally Developed Software"           PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          26Review of Personally Developed Software for IBM Personal Compu-  ters (IBM), a series of programs: 8 in entertainment, 9 in educa-tion, 14 in productivity, and 5 in business.                     
  22. tutorial,command line argument,IBM Pascal,retrieve               R. B. Stam                                   TECH NOTEBOOK 30 - "Grabbing Parameters"                         PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          46Tutorial on a technique to retrieve command line arguments from  IBM Pascal.                                                                                                                       
  23. tutorial,graphics,screen,image,files,Turbo Pascal,BASICA,BSAVE   J. Duntemann                                 TECH NOTEBOOK 31 - "BASICA Screens to Turbo"                     PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          50Tutorial and program listing on using Turbo Pascal to read graph-ics screen image files saved from IBM BASICA (with the BSAVE com-mand).                                                           
  24. review,enhance,IBM PCjr Expansion Attachment,Power Expansion     A. Hansen                                    "Memory Sidecars"                                                PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          54Review of enhancements for the IBM PCjr: 1)IBM PCjr 128 KB MemoryExpansion Attachment (IBM Corp.), 2)Power Expansion Attachment   (IBM Corp.),...continued to next record.                         
  25. review,enhance,IBM PCjr,jrCaptain,jrWave,Tecmar,Treasure Chest   A. Hansen                                    "Memory Sidecars"                                                PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          54...cont. from previous record. 3)jrCaptain, including Treasure   Chest (Tecmar Inc.), and 4)jrWave (Tecmar Inc.).                                                                                  
  26. tutorial,subdirectory,DOS 2.0,insert                             T. Mirecki                                   "Dipping into Directories"                                       PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          67Tutorial on programs for reading subdirectories in DOS 2.0, in-  cluding listings of the programs. [Insert entitled "Coding .COM  Files wwith Multiple Segments"].                                 
  27. tutorial,DOS 2.0,insert,.COM files,multiple segment              T. Mirecki                                   "Coding .COM files with Multiple Segments"                       PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          70Insert in "Dipping into Directories" by the author, this tutorialdescribes an efficient, flexible method to code .COM files.                                                                       
  28. tutorial,processor,COMMAND.COM,DOS 2.0,Pascal,SET parameter      R. B. Stam                                   "Environmental Excavations"                                      PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          90Tutorial on using IBM Pascal to access the SET parameters in the command processor (COMMAND.COM) of DOS.                                                                                           
  29. review,Turbo Toolbox,Borland,Pascal,utility                      J. Duntemann                                 "Tools for the Pascal Programmer"                                PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         102Review of Turbo Toolbox (Borland International), a set of        utility programs for use with Turbo Pascal.                                                                                       
  30. tutorial,Turbo Pascal,Borland,clock,subdirectory,window,tree     M. Covington                                 "The Power of Turbo Pascal"                                      PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         112Tutorial on using Turbo Pascal (Borland International) to set thethe IBM PC clock, create subdirectories, and create windows.                                                                      
  31. tutorial,WATCOM,language,Pascal,FORTRAN,COBOL,BASIC,APL          J. S. Mallozzi                               "Language Learning Tools"                                        PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         126Review of the WATCOM Languages and Editor package (WATCOM Pro-   ducts), a set of interpreters for programming in Pascal, COBOL,  FORTRAN, APL, and BASIC.                                         
  32. review,HOSTCOM,Janadon,WBS,communication,remote access           A. Hansen                                    "Electronic Messaging"                                           PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         141Review of HOSTCOMM (Janadon Inc./WBS and Associates Inc.), a set of communications programs that allows PC's to communicate       through remote access.                                           
  33. tutorial,customize,boot record,operating system,DOS,ipl,reboot   M. Abrash and Dan Illowsky                   "Customized Boots"                                               PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         150Tutorial on creating a customized boot record program.                                                                                                                                             
  34. review,book,legal,law,programmer,copyright,trademark             M. S. Oppenheimer                            BOOK REVIEWS - "A Good Legal Guide"                              PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         161Review of: D. Remer, LEGAL CARE FOR YOUR SOFTWARE: A STEP-BY-STEPGUIDE FOR COMPUTER SOFTWARE WRITERS (Nolo Press, 1984).                                                                           
  35. review,book,IBM BASIC,programming,C language                     J. W. Wilson                                 BOOK REVIEWS                                                     PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         162Review of: 1)D. E. Simon, IBM BASIC FROM THE GROUND UP (Hayden   Book Company, 1983) and 2)P. M. Chirlian, INTRODUCTION TO C      (Matrix Publishing, 1984).                                       
  36. legal,law,tear-me-open,license,agreement,magazine,publisher      M. S. Oppenheimer                            "Shrink-wrapped Magazines"                                       PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2         169Discussion of the so-called tear-me-open license agreement on    software packages and programs in magazines                                                                                       
  37. commentary,operating system,TopView,XENIX,PC-DOS,insert          W. Fastie                                    DIRECTIONS - "Environmental Engineering"                         PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3           9Commentary on the importance of choosing an operating system,    especially for software developers. [Insert entitled "Our Stand- ing Invitation for Your Comments"].                              
  38. survey,comments,letters,insert,reader                                                                         "Our Standing Invitation for Your Comments"                      PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          10Insert in DIRECTIONS - "Environmental Engineering" by W. Fastie, this article asks readers to send in their comments about variouscategories of products.                                          
  39. help,Q&A,adapter,board,AT,EasyPath,subdirectory,DOS 2.0,segment                                               LETTERS                                                          PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          141)Putting PC adapter boards in the AT, 2)Using EasyPath to accessfiles in subdirectories in DOS 2.0, 3)Segment register change    (Tech Notebook 27, Nov. 84).                                     
  40. review,Modular Graphics Card,Paradise,color,monochrome,board                                                  PRODUCT OF THE MONTH - "Paradise Modular Graphics Card"          PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          21Review of the Modular Graphics Card (Paradise Systems), a fully  IBM compatible color graphics adapter that can also drive the    IBM monochrome display.                                          
  41. tutorial,serial port,I/O,COM1,COM2                               J. Wright                                    TECH NOTEBOOK 32 - "More Ports"                                  PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          32Tutorial on using more than two serial ports on the IBM PC.                                                                                                                                        
  42. tutorial,DOS,internal command,processor,COMMAND.COM,patch        T. Mirecki                                   TECH NOTEBOOK 33 - "Custom Commands"                             PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          37Tutorial on replacing DOS internal commands by patching the DOS  command processor (COMMAND.COM).                                                                                                  
  43. review,Concurrent PC-DOS,Digital Research,multitask,multiuser    D. Awalt                                     "Concurrent PC-DOS"                                              PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          45Review of Concurrent PC-DOS (Digital Research Inc.), an operatingsystem that is semi-compatible with MS-DOS and has multitasking  and multiuser capabilities.                                      
  44. review,Professional Debug Facility,IBM,utility                   D. Daetwyler                                 "Professional Debugging"                                         PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          60Review of Professional Debug Facility (by IBM).                                                                                                                                                    
  45. tutorial,programming,3270-PC                                     A. Harian and J. Krantz                      "Programming for the 3270-PC"                                    PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          74Tutorial on applying IBM PC programming techniques to the IBM    3270-PC.                                                                                                                          
  46. help,Q&A,FLOAT.ASM,floating point,arithmetic,assembly,bug,DOS 2.1                                             LETTERS                                                          PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          13..cont. from previous record. 3)Bugs in FLOAT.ASM (floating pointadd/subtract with assembly)(PC Tech,Oct.84), 4)Improved FLOAT.ASM5)Error in "Patching a Bug in DOS 2.1" listing (PC Tech,Nov.84). 
  47. help,Q&A,share,files,network,EtherNet,FAT,PC-DOS,Disk Reset                                                   LETTERS                                                          PC Tech 85/02 Feb v.3 n.2          14...continued from last record 5)Sharing files across a network   by using PC-DOS Disk Reset.                                                                                                       
  48. review,combo,board,JRAM-2,Tall Tree,JETDRIVE,JSPOOL              D. Awalt                                     "Enhancement by JRAM-2"                                          PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3          92Review of JRAM-2(Tall Tree Systems), a multifunction board pack- aged with three software programs: JETDRIVE, JET, and JSPOOL.                                                                     
  49. tutorial,VDISK,DOS 2.0,virtual,RAM disk,device driver            E. Nisley                                    "Spinning Your Own VDISK"                                        PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         100Tutorial on implementing VDISK, a program in the back of the DOS 2.0 manual (or later versions) that creates a virtual disk drive in RAM (a device driver).                                        
  50. review,Micro-Logic,Spectrum,digital,circuit,design,electronics   W. H. Murray                                 "Digital Designs"                                                PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         112Review of Micro-Logic (Spectrum Software), a digital circuit     design program.                                                                                                                   
  51. tutorial,assembly,screen,display,digitized,waveform,analog,plot  P. G. Aitken                                 "Plotting Data"                                                  PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         123Listing and explanation of an assembly language program that     provides screen display of digitized waveforms.                                                                                   
  52. tutorial,DBM,B+tree,C language,data structure,BTREE,retrieve     A. Chaturvedi                                "Tree Structures - Part 2"                                       PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         131Tutorial consisting of an explanation and listing of a C languageprogram that is needed to implement a file management system     based on B+tree structures (second of two articles).             
  53. tutorial,PC-XT,upgrade,hard disk,power supply,do-it-yourself     A. Hansen                                    "The Making of an XT"                                            PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         161Tutorial on upgrading a PC to an XT, including a table of com-   panies from which to order components.                                                                                            
  54. review,book,Lotus 1-2-3                                          B. T. Filbeck                                BOOK REVIEWS - "Using 1-2-3"                                     PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         173Review of: 1) T. Cain and N. W. Cain, 1-2-3 AT WORK (Reston Pub- lishing, 1984), 2) D. F. Cobb and L. Anderson, 1-2-3 FOR BUSINESSQue Corp.).                                                      
  55. review,book,UNIX,operating system                                A. Hansen                                    BOOK REVIEWS                                                     PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         175Review of: H. McGilton and R. Morgan, INTRODUCING THE UNIX SYSTEM(McGraw-Hill, 1983).                                                                                                              
  56. commentary,legal,law,damage,tort,copy,protect,pirate             M. S. Oppenheimer                            LEGAL BRIEF - "The Tort of Copy Protection"                      PC Tech 85/03 Mar v.3 n.3         177Commentary on deliberate damage to a computer system as a means  of copy protection.                                                                                                               
  57. tutorial,SNOBOL4,science,business,humanities,insert              R. S. Spraycar                               "SNOBOL4 For Humanities, Scientific, and Business Programmers"   PC Tech 85/01 Jan v.3 n.1          42Insert in "SNOBOL4" by R. Larsen, this article is a tutorial-likecommentary on the use of the SNOBOL4 language in business, sci-  ence, and the humanities.                                        
  58. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \